Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Place du Trocadéro‎ 2.0

So my best friend is traveling in Europe currently and she just went to Paris (read her post here). And I follow Oh Happy Day who just returned from living in paris and she said that Laduree has the best macaroons so I told Jess she must go and she did! All this talk of Paris and macaroons has me in the mood to bake. here are some cook books that I would love to have.

I think I might get the Laduree book in french so I can learn french while I bake.

I hope you are having a lovely day!


1 comment:

  1. Several of those cookbooks were on the bakerella blog, and I seriously drooled over them. Such pretty books, filled with such pretty foods!! I want them alllllll.
