So last week I had my 28 week check-up you know the one where they do blood tests and also test you for gestational diabetes. Well i failed the first glucose test that they give you at the dr. office, so on friday i had to take the 3 hour Glucose Intolerance Test. I did everything right didn't eat or drink 8 hours prior to the test, stayed at the hospital the whole 3 hours, I even didn't eat added sugar the whole
4 days in between both tests. Everyone said, oh you'll be fine, no one gets gestational diabetes. But low and behold I am part of that 2-5% of pregnant women who get it. Awesome. Based on my family history I new I would be at risk for getting diabetes some day, but I always thought that was something I wouldn't have to worry about until I was in my 30s or 40s. Well it's here now and I will forevermore have to keep track of my sugar intake and count carbs.
This is not good news for this sweets addict. I love ice cream, I grew up eating it all the time, I mean my parents owned 4 Dairy Queens. In high school I bet I ate 4+ blizzards a day.
So i've been pretty bummed. Those first few days I wanted punch people because I wanted sugar so bad. But I'm getting better and miraculously after only a week I can feel my tastes changing.
So as I begin this sugarless life I'll share recipes and things I learn along the way.
Thanks for still coming here while I was gone. I'll be back to my normal routine now. I also will be blogging more because my last day of work is Tuesday. That's crazy. Then it's all nesting and baby prep and finally having the time to make my etsy a success. Join me as I try to make a profit and make Sara December Rose my full-time job.
Big things are about to happen.
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